Enabling the Alzheimer’s Association to Better Serve

The national headquarters engaged us to evaluate their technical platforms and make recommendations on the future of technology — specifically focused on HelpLine/CareLine (information and support for families) and SafeReturn (helping to reconnect missing patients to their loved ones) initiatives. Our strategy enabled the Alzheimer’s Association to move from slow, single-user-at-a-time software to enterprise software that could handle thousands of concurrent requests. In addition to providing the public with self-service access to information, the technology provided tooling to better equip the Association’s staff to handle requests. Rolling these solutions out nationwide, the Alzheimer’s Association was able to better support patients and families.


  1. Operational Excellence - Alzheimers Association was able to serve 25x the number of patients and families with the same level of internal staff.

  2. Product & Service Innovation / Technology Strategy - We led Alzheimer's Association through the "Art of the Possible" to help their team understand how technology enabled them to do more than they imagined possible with their current staff.


›Executive Leadership

›Product & Service Innovation

›Technology Strategy


+1 630-781-3546

+1 317-864-0298